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Here’s How Getnow is Taking Safety & Health Measures during Covid-19

during Covid 19

COVID-19 has shaken the entire world and it hasn’t recovered from it yet. Since every aspect of our lives has been changed, the way we used to shop has also altered, and things have been shifted towards online shopping. However, the web marketers have got to be conscious about the precautionary measures and can’t leave all the taking care work to buyers. One of the most trustworthy online stores in Pakistan is, and I’ll give you an insight into how is it taking safety and health measures during the corona pandemic.

Taking Care of its Employees

The safer the working staff, the better will be the productivity! Even though e-commerce is meant to be done non-publicly, but it requires the staff to run the business. Just like other organizations, the online store staff also needs a lot of care and precautions to avoid catching the virus. That’s why the management ensures that each member is carefully sanitized through the sanitizing gate and washes his or her hand before entering inside. Moreover, the temperature is also checked and the person without a face mask is not allowed to enter.

Disinfecting the Office Space On the Daily Basis

Despite all the safety measures, there will be some lacking as we never know from where the virus may enter and affect us. Therefore, it is important to disinfect the building where different people are entering and working together. Not just the floor, but each desk, table, chair, and all the furniture and small things are wiped and cleaned with a cleaning agent.

Furthermore, the company ensures that the building is mopped and cleaned with a cleaning detergent after disinfecting. Online shopping in Pakistan has gotten common in the past four months; therefore, ensures that the delivery of orders takes place from an immaculately clean place.

Maintaining Social Distancing

Digital marketing seems like the world of the Internet where person-to-person interaction isn’t needed. However, this isn’t true and the team has got to work in collaboration with each other. Despite the need for contacting, the team makes sure that its employees sit together by maintaining the required distance and they wear face masks at work. Also, a sanitizer is provided to each member and is asked to use it after holding or touching anything.

The orders are Carefully Disinfected

Not just the workplace, the team also ensures that all the items are carefully disinfected before the delivery. The team doesn’t only take care of its staff, but the health of customers is also of utmost importance. Therefore, you receive a completely disinfected item at your doorstep.

Guides Both its Workers and Customers Time to Time

We usually forget how important it is to take precautions amid the corona pandemic. Therefore, team keeps alerting both its working members and customers, as to how to take safety measures. However, the guidance is as per the receiver’s position and needs. For instance, the staff is guided on how to work at the workplace; however, the buyers are requested to receive and disinfect the order with safety.

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